My name is Rich Kemper and I am a realtor with Keller Williams and I live in the beautiful community of FishHawk Ranch located in Lithia Florida and this is my blog. You can see me on the web at www.fishhawkhomesforsale.com or at www.tamparealestate4you.com.
Military personnel are all around us, if we live in an area where there is a military installation. They are people just like us, but then more. Most of us can’t say we are protecting America at home and abroad. Most of us in our jobs, don’t worry about being shot at by people that for whatever reason don’t like us simply because of the country we are from. While some of us may have to leave town on business for a few days or a few weeks, most of us are never deployed and separated from our families for months or years at a time. And for most of us our companies don’t ask us to move every three years like clockwork.
The pressures are great for everyone. The military person who is separated from his family, but must focus on his/her job at hand. This person also misses years sometimes when you add up all the time they are deployed away from their spouse and children and can never get that time back. It’s gone forever. The wife or husband that stays behind and is stuck with trying to raise the kids, take care of the bills and the house and the pets, etc. with no one to offer them any emotional support. Then there are the kids that cope without a parent around and miss things like the birth of children, birthdays, anniversaries; things that most of us rarely miss with our families.
The military is not the life style for all of us, but the ones that have chosen to be in the military do it with great sacrifice to themselves and to their families. I live in FishHawk Ranch which in Lithia, Florida and close to MacDill AFB. The community is about 40 minutes from base, but a lot of military personnel choose to live in our community. How do they come about choosing our community? The military families follow good schools! Is that the only reason? Of course not, but it is the major reason. When military families move, they really don’t know anything about the area they moving to, and because they move so frequently they want their kids to have the best educational opportunities. Then of course, over time, military families pass on their good experiences of particular neighborhoods to one another.
We love our military families! We cherish them while they are with us and miss them when they go. As a community, FishHawk Ranch and Hillsborough County have done a wonderful job making military personnel feel loved and a part of our community. Hillsborough County even has a dedicated bus stop that runs military personnel to and from MacDill AFB in the morning and in the evening.
I am the son of a military officer and while I never went into the service, my son was the commander of the ROTC Program at Newsome High School and is now on an ROTC scholarship at a University of West Florida. One day as I was assessing my business as a realtor I thought how can I help those military personnel that I come in contact as they move in and move out of our community. As I thought about the real estate process I realized as they move every three years or so, absorbing closing costs twice in 3 years is extremely difficult in any real estate market not to mention the one we are in with falling prices with no letup in sight. Just estimating here, but on average the closing costs can be $10,000 to $20,000 dollars so just double those numbers and now you have idea of what I am talking about. I knew there was a program for military personnel with USAA and so I went online and checked it out. I looked at it and thought I could do better and so I have my own MILITARY BUYER/SELLER PROGRAM. If a military person uses me to buy and to sell their home I cut my fees in half! Its my way of saying thanks for all you do for us.
If you or anyone you know is interested in selling or buying a home in the Tampa Bay area give me a call at 813.77.5332 or email me at getrichquick2@aol.com.